Masters - Owners - Room Revenue & Nights

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Condominium Owner Account Module R3 required.

Room Revenue & Nights

Review revenue and nights booked statistics by room type, property code, owner number or room number (stored in Statfile).   Summaries are displayed at the bottom of each group (use scroll bar if necessary), and the Grand Summaries are displayed at the bottom of the grid (always visible, regardless of sort).  Collapse the display using the icon to view summary information only (no detail).  Click the Property to expand the display and view room types.  Click each Room Type to view detail within each room type.  Once a radio button is selected and if nothing is selected in the drop-down, all reservations are displayed for the date range and are grouped by Property Code and Room Type.

Since this function looks at Statfile, forecast records must be generated so this information is accurate for reservations that moved rooms during their stay.  If the records have not been generated, the system prompts first.  If Yes, the Generate Forecast Records screen is opened. When the forecasting is complete, the system returns to the "Room Revenue & Nights" screen.  For example, if a five-night-reservation is in Room 101 for the first two nights, and then moves to Room 102 for the remaining three nights, Room Revenue & Nights shows Room 101 with two nights occupied and the revenue is generated while in that room, and Room 102 shows three nights occupied and revenue generated while in that room. 


Columns available in the grid include Room Number, Revenue, Total (Room Charges + Other Charges if any + Tax), and Nights.  If a property uses Other Charges, columns for each other charge are also displayed.  The column header matches the description of the Other Charge defined on the Reservations | Configuration | Other Charge tab.

Owner Number
Select the Owner Number radio button and then choose an owner from the drop-down to display revenue summaries for all rooms of a single owner.  If the owner owns a lock-off when the Owner Number radio button and an owner is chosen, each room number is displayed.  When viewing by Owner Number, the display is not grouped.
Property Type
Select the Property Type radio button and then choose a property from the drop-down to display revenue summaries for all room types within a single property code.  The information is sorted first by property code and then room type, and by Nights within room type.  For example, set Property Code to Tower 1 to display revenue information for all room types within Tower 1.  Collapse the display using the Property icon to view summary information only (no detail).  The grid is grouped by room type.  Expand to display to display detail for that property using the Property icon.  The information is displayed in expanded-detail format by default. 
Room Number
Select the Room Number radio button and then choose an room from the drop-down to display revenue summaries for that room.  When viewing by Room Number the display is not grouped. 
Room Type
Select the Room Type radio button and then choose a room type from the drop-down to display revenue summaries for a single room type at a time.  Since a room type can only exist in a single property code, only one room type within one property is displayed.  For example, select 1B to display a summary of one-bedrooms.  Collapse the display using the Room Type icon to view summary information only (no detail).  The grid is grouped by room type.  Expand to display detail using the Room Type icon.  The information is displayed in expanded-detail format by default. 
Show Res Detail
check to display the reservation detail that makes up the totals for each room number.
Starting and Ending Date
Enter a starting and ending date range to define the search parameters (default to the first and last day of the current system month).  For example, Starting=03/01 and Ending=03/31 displays revenue summaries for the month of March. 


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