Masters - Owners - Re-Open Statements

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Condominium Owner Account Module R3 required.

Re-Open Statements

Balance Forward owner statements can be re-opened after the statement was closed. The statement marker (D@) transaction and the corresponding voucher (D7) transaction or direct deposit (DA) transaction are deleted from the master account. Only the last statement can be re-opened. If a statement prior to last the statement marker is selected, the system will alert the user that the program will skip that master, while displaying the date of the most recent statement closing.

If a voucher transaction was deleted, the check voucher's status changes from 'Will Print' to "Voided' in the Check Voucher program located in the Accounting menu.

This feature is available in RDPWin or higher.


How To Re-Open Owner Statements

  1. In RDPWin, go to the Owners main menu --> Month End --> Re-Open Owner Statements.
  2. Select the owner(s) to re-open.
    • One owner: check the Single Owner box and select the owner from the Starting Owner drop down.
    • Range of owners: choose the Starting and Ending Owner in the range.
    • All owners: leave the Starting Owner and Ending Owner field with the Select Starting Owner.
    • By owner type: select the owner or room type from the Owner Type drop down.
    • By property code: select the property code from the Property Code drop down.
  3. Select the statement date to re-open from the Previous Statement Date drop down. Note: only the most recent statement can be reopened.
  4. Click the Review button.
  5. Review all owners listed in the grid. Make sure the Status column reads "Will Process OK" and New Balance column is correct.
  6. Once all owners have been reviewed, click the Process button. This removes the statement marker transaction code (B7D@), plus the voucher transaction (B7D7) or the direct deposit transaction (B7DA) from each owner account.
  7. Make the corrections to the owner accounts for which the statement was re-opened.
  8. Once the corrections have been made, close the statements.


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