Masters - Owners - Post Res Related Charge

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Condominium Owner Account Module R3 required.

Post Res Related Charges

Post charges to Owners for reservation-related charges such as hot tub fees or cleaning fees.  Select Res Related Charges from the Month-End submenu located in the Options main menu to review past reports or process a new one.

Starting and Ending Dates
Displays the start and end dates in read-only format of the report being reviewed or processed.  When not posting for a single owner and when Always Process Owner Statements on Calendar Month Only (Switch 912-01) is not checked on the Masters | Configuration | Owner Statements tab, the dates can be changed.
Select a Previously Processed Report to View
Each time reservation charges are posted, a report is generated.  Click the down-arrow and select from the list of reports processed earlier than the current date.  Click the Display button once a previous processing date has been selected.
Reservation (Number/Name)
When the Review or Process buttons is clicked, these fields display the reservation number and guest name for the charges currently being processed in read-only format.  This is for informational purposes only.
Room Number
When the Review or Process buttons is clicked, this field displays the reservation room number currently being processed in read-only format.  This is for informational purposes only.
Arrival and Departure Dates
When the Review or Process buttons is clicked, this field displays the reservation arrival and departure date currently being processed in read-only format.  This is for informational purposes only.
RDP strongly suggests that all reservation-related charges be reviewed BEFORE processing.  During review mode, reservation charges associated with owners are read, and charge amount to the owner is calculated through the ending processing date. Transactions previously processed are skipped.

Review the report to ensure all charge codes are correct prior to processing.  Click the Review button to begin.  Reservation information flashes in the Reservation, Room#, and Arrival/Departure fields throughout the procedure.  Reservations with no owner activity for the current review period are not displayed in the grid.   Only reservations with charges that owners are responsible for are listed in the grid.  Once complete, the system prompts to print the report.
RDP strongly suggests that all reservation-related charges be reviewed BEFORE processing.  During the Process mode, the same calculations as are made as during the Review. When Process is complete, the report generated is added to the Select a Previously Processed Report to View drop-down.
Enabled once the Review or Process buttons are clicked, this button allows interruption of those actions.  If interrupted, it is imperative that the review or processing be repeated and allowed to finish before printing statements.
Print Report
After both the review and process modes are complete, the system prompts the user to print the resulting report in one of two formats: Detail or Recap format.  Once Review is complete, the information is displayed in Recap format (owner information and total charges but no line items).  To view in Detail format, right-click and select Expand All to display each line item for each owner. 

RDP recommends that the report be printed before and after full processing has completed
.  Reviewing and printing prior to processing provides an audit trail showing that each reservation-related charge was indeed posted to an owner. No transactions are generated, and it can be used as often as required during the month.

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