Masters - Find Owner Masters

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Condominium Owner Account Module R3 required.

Find Owner Masters

Click Find from the Navigation page, the Owner main menu, or Navigation if already viewing the Owner Analysis grid.  Find Owner offers searches by Name, Owner#, E-mail, Room#, and Alternate Owner #.  Enter nothing into those fields and click the corresponding Find button to display all owner masters.  Enter one letter or number and click Find to display owner masters in the grid and highlight the closest match. 

When Find is clicked before any other button such as Change or Delete, the owner selected in the Find Owner grid is displayed alone in the Owner Analysis grid.  If another Navigation choice is selected first such as Change without having a designated owner, the desired screen is displayed for the selected owner such as Change Owner.

Access by room number is particularly useful once a room has been sold.  For example, if Room 100 was originally owned by Owner 100 and the room is sold to a newly assigned Owner Number 100A.  In the owner master record, Owner 100A is now marked as owning Room 100.  With the standard access screen, the current owner of Room 100 can be found by entering 100 in the Room# field.  It is not necessary to remember that Owner 100A is the current owner of Room 100.

Find by Alternate Owner Number
When Switch 425-10 is set to yes, an Alternate Owner Number is displayed on the owner master.   This field offers 14 alpha-numeric characters and allows access to owners using the Find function.
Enter no letters, one letter, some letters, or the full name of the owner desired.  Click Find to display the owners with the requested (or closest match) owner selected in the grid and display the list alphabetically by name when searching by name.
Enter nothing, one character, some characters, or the full number of the owner desired.  Click Find to display the owners with the requested (or closest match) owner selected in the grid and display the list alphabetically/numerically by owner number when searching by owner number.
Enter nothing, one character, some characters, or the full room number of the owner desired.  Click Find to display the owners with the requested (or closest match) owner selected in the grid and display the list alphabetically/numerically by room number when searching by room number.
Enter nothing, one character, some characters, or the full e-mail address of the owner desired.  Click Find to display the owners with the requested (or closest match) owner selected in the grid and display the list alphabetically/numerically by e-mail address when searching by e-mail address.
Start (|<), Previous (<), Next (>), and End (>|)
See Start (|<), Previous (<), Next (>), and End (>|) for assistance with moving through pages in the grid.


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