Masters - Agent Statements

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Travel Agent Functions


Change Transactions




Flat Rate




Post Charge

Process Commissions





View Reservations

View Transactions


  1. In RDPWin, go to the Masters menu --> Travel Agents --> Configuration --> Agents tab.
  2. Verify the Process Agent Statements on Calendar Month Only switch is set correctly. If checked, the agent statements will be processed for the end of the previous month only. If unchecked, the option to select the date for which to process through is available.
  3. Go to the Masters main menu --> Travel Agents --> Agent Statements.
  4. Select the agents(s) to close.
    • One agent : check the Single Agent box and select the agent from the Starting Agent Number drop down.
    • Range of agents: choose the Starting and Ending Agent Number in the range.
    • All agents: leave the Starting Agent and Ending Agent field with the Select Starting Agent Number.
  5. Select the option for New Activity Since Last Statement.
  6. If the Process Agent Statements on Calendar Month Only switch is unchecked from step 2, select the date for which to close the statements through. If the switch is set to Calendar Month Only, the last date of the previous month will display.
  7. Verify the correct statement report is listed in the Statement Report field. If it is not, click the Browse button and to find the correct statement report.
  8. To preview the statement reports, click the Print All Statements or Preview One Statement buttons.
  9. If any corrections are needed to the statements, do so before finalizing.
  10. Click the Finalize tab.
  11. If closing the statements are paying the agents for their commissions, check the box Generate Check if Balance Due. If printing checks out of RDP, check the box for Place Check in Print Queue.
  12. Click the Review button. Verify that balance amounts are correct and the status is Will Finalize Ok.
  13. Click the Finalize All Statements button. Click Yes to continue.
  14. Click back to the Print tab.
  15. Select the option for Previous Statement, since the statements were just closed.
  16. To print the statements, click the Print All Statements button.
  17. To email statements, click the Email tab. Enter something into the Body Text field.


Review, print, and e-mail statements for a single or all agents.  RDP recommends that the statements be printed and reviewed in detail BEFORE finalizing.  Printing and reviewing statements can be done anytime throughout the month.  Once finalized, the statements cannot be changed and the system closes the statement.

Balance Forward Statements

The Balance Forward Statement provides the balance due from the last billing period plus any new reservation activity and direct charges not marked as no-print, as well as payments from and refunds to the Agent.  Transactions marked as non-printing (with an "*") do not print on the balance forward statement.  The sum of all non-printing transactions must be zero or statements do not print at all.

Select Agents

Find Agent
Click "Find Agent" button to select from Analysis and automatically populate the "Starting Agent" and "Ending Agent" fields.  Since "Find Agent" selects one agent, the system checks the Single Agent box and disables the "Ending Agent" field.  To select a range from that point, uncheck the "Single Agent" box and select the "Ending Agent" from the enabled drop-down list.
Single Agent
Check this box to review or process only one agent statement.  Once checked, the Ending Agent field is disabled.  The default setting is unchecked or "All Agents".
Number or Name
Select name to populate the Starting and Ending Agent lists sorted by last name, or select Number to to populate the Starting and Ending Agent lists sorted by agent number.
Starting and Ending Agent
When printing a range of statements, select from the drop-down list to designate with which agent to start and end.  Agents appear in the list in numeric order.  For example, process statements for Agent Numbers 123 - 428 or 015834 - 078513.

Select Statement

Include Statements with No Activity and Zero Balance
When checked, all statements are processed for the selected agent(s) regardless of activity and balance due.  Statements with credits, amounts due, and zero balances are all included.  This field is always enabled.
New Activity Ending Statement Date
Selected by default, print a statement for the selected Agent(s) displaying only transactions that have a date between the last statement date and the New Activity Statement date or all new activity for an Agent since the last statement marker.  If both "All Agents" and "Previous Statement" are selected, this field changes to "All Agents Previous Statement Date" and offers the calendar for date selection.  There are two ways to select the date: (1) either click the down-arrow and select from the drop-down calendar; or (2) select the month, day, and year and use the up/down arrows on the keyboard.  The default is the current system date.
Previous Statement
If "Single Agent" is chosen, select from the dates of all previous statements for that agent using the "Single Agent Previous Ending Statement Dates" drop-down. When more than one agent is selected, select the date of a previous statement from the "All Agents Previous Statement Date" drop-down list.
Single Agent Previous Statement Date
When processing statements for a single agent and "Previous Statement" is selected, the "Single Agent Previous Statement Dates" field is populated with the dates of previous statements for the selected agent and allows selection of one from the drop-down list.
All Agents Previous Statement Date
When processing statements for multiple agents and "Previous Statement" is selected, the "All Agents Previous Statement Date" can be selected using the calendar function or by entering the date.
Statement Report and Browse
Click the Browse button to search through folders to locate the appropriate home for the file. The system default is set to access the RDPNT/RDP/Reports10/Agent folder.

Statement Actions

Print Tab
Once revenue and direct charges have been posted, statements can be printed or e-mailed.  Select this tab to print statement for one, some, or all agents based on the range set at the top of the form. 

Note: Agent Statements cannot be printed until Process Agent Commissions has been completed. 
Select the printer where the statements are to be printed from the drop-down list.  If the desired printer is not in the list, see your system administrator.
Print All/One Statement(s)
When a single agent is selected, click "Print One Statement" to print.  When a range of agents is selected, click "Print All Statements" to print a statement for each agent within the selected range.
Preview One Statement
Click to display a sample of the selected report in the viewer.  If no agent is selected, the Find screen opens to allow for selection.
Once printing begins, a Cancel button appears to allow discontinuation of the action.
After the balance forward statement is printed, review it carefully.  There are many possible errors that may have occurred and need to be corrected before printing the final copy of the statement for the customer.  Possible errors include:

  1. Incorrect format.  For example, the text "YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE" may still appear on the form.  The statement forms must be modified with the report writer prior to printing.
  2. Incorrect ending statement date (causing some new transactions not to appear).
  3. Missing transactions because of incorrect use of the "*" no-print flag.
  4. Extra transactions because they were not marked as "no-print".
  5. Missing transactions because they were not posted.
  6. Missing payments because they were not posted.
Once printed, reviewed, and corrected; statements must be closed or the next statement will include all activity instead of just new activity.  Even if no corrections were made to the first statement, statements must be re-printed.
E-mail Tab
Statements can be printed or e-mailed. Select this tab to e-mail statements for the selected agents. This only applies to agents that have e-mail addresses on record.  Statements for agents cannot be printed until agent revenue has been processed (using RDP-DOS).
Statement Report Format
The Crystal Report is attached to the e-mail as either an Adobe PDF file or a Word File.  PDF format is recommended, since guests with home computers could most likely change a Word document.  Crystal Reports are not exported to HTML and/or included in the body of the e-mail because web based E-Mail, like Yahoo and Hotmail, alters the HTML to be unreadable.  If sending a PDF statement, the Adobe website should be referenced (www.Adobe.com) since the PDF Reader may not be installed on all computers.  This is a free download available on all computer platforms.
E-mail One/All Statement(s)
Click to send the e-mail(s).  The system displays a confirmation when the e-mail(s) have been successfully sent out.  The title of this button is based on the selection above for the Single/All Agent(s) radio button.  If Single, then the button reads "E-mail One Statement" and if All Agents is selected, this button is titled "E-mail All Statements".
Once "E-mail All Statements" has been activated, a Cancel button appears to allow discontinuation of the action.
Additional Attachments
In addition to emailing travel agent statements, use the new "Additional Attachments" section of the E-mail tab to send multiple attachments to agents within the same email.  Enter the path to the selected document or click the Browse button to navigate to the desired report(s).  Use the Remove button to deselect any additional attachments selected.
Finalize Tab
Statements must be closed at the end of each statement period.  Select this tab to close statements for the selected agents.  The statement always shows all transactions since the last time a statement was closed.  After a statement is closed, no additional corrections can be made to the statement.  Corrections after closing a balance forward statement must be made in the next period.  When a balance forward statement is closed, the system generates a statement marker transaction, which defines the end of one statement and the beginning of the next.  Statement markers appear as a B7D@ transaction code whenever transactions are viewed for the agent. Balance forward statements can be reprinted for any past period from one statement marker to the next.

If statements are not closed, the next statement for the agent master includes all activity instead of just new activity.  Even if no corrections were made to the first statement, statements must be re-printed.
Generate Check if Balance Due
When statements are closed and "Generate checks for any credit balance" is checked, the system looks at the Generate checks for balance due switch on the agent master.  When both checkboxes are checked and the agent master has a negative balance, a check is generated for the total. If one of the boxes is unchecked, checks are not generated for any master even when there is a negative balance due.  This switch should not be checked in order to hold a balance "on account" for the Agent.
Print Check From RDP
Checks are generated by the balance forward statement if the "Statements: Generate check on balance due" box is checked on the Group Master.  The check queue is printed by selecting Check Vouchers from the Accounting menu.  Check forms can be purchased from the RDP forms department at 1-800-RDP-PAPR (1-800-737-7277).
Finalize One/All Statement(s)
Once statements have been printed, reviewed, and corrected, click Finalize One/All Statements to close the statement.  The system displays a confirmation when statements have been successfully processed.  The title of this button is based on the selection above for the Single Agent checkbox.  If Single, then the button reads "Finalize One Statement".  If Single Agent is unchecked, this button is titled "Finalize All Statements".
Once "Close All Statements" has been activated, a Cancel button appears to allow discontinuation of the action.

View Transactions

If no Agent is selected when this button is accessed, the Find Agent screen opens. Once an Agent is selected, the View Transactions screen displays and allows charges to be posted if necessary.

Save & Close, Save, and Close

Click here for instruction on how to Save and Close forms.

Click these links for Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting assistance.


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