Masters - Process Agent Commissions

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Travel Agent Functions


Change Transactions




Flat Rate




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Process Commissions





View Reservations

View Transactions


  1. Select Process Commissions from the Masters | Travel Agents submenu.
  2. To process for a single travel agent, check the Single Agent checkbox, then click the Find Agent button to select an agent.

    To process multiple travel agents, confirm the Single Agent checkbox is not checked and select an agent from the Starting Agent drop-down list.  All agents between the selected Starting and Ending agents will process.

    To process all travel agents, confirm the Single Agent checkbox is not checked and set the Starting Agent drop-down to Starting and the Ending Agent to Ending. 
  3. Click Review.  The report can be printed if desired.
  4. Click Process.  The report can be printed if desired.


Process travel agent commissions automatically based on travel agent masters and checked-out reservation records.  Prior to processing, the desired reservations must be checked-out and all transactions with a date prior or equal to the process date are included in the total commission calculation for each agent.  Transactions dated on or prior to the processing date are searched for commissions for the selected agents and a commission transaction code is created for each reservation and each agent.  The commission transaction code is shown on the travel agent statement.

Select a Previous Report to View
Each time agent commissions are processed, a report is generated.  Click the down-arrow and select from the list of reports processed earlier than the current date.  Click the Display button once a previous processing date has been selected.
Once a previous report is selected for viewing, click Display to view that report.
Find Agent
Click to open the Find Agent form.  If searching for a single agent, select one from the list and continue with the review or processing.  If setting a range of agent, select one from the list.  This populates both the Starting Agent and Ending Agent fields with the selected agent and checks the Single Agent checkbox.  Uncheck the box to set the Ending Agent field to "End - Agent".  For example, if Aladdin Travel is selected from the Find Agent form, uncheck the Single Agent box to set the review or processing for Aladdin Travel through the end of the agent list (sorted by agent number). 
Single Agent
Check this box to perform a review or processing for just one owner.  Use the Find Owner button or use the Starting/Ending Owner drop-down fields to select the appropriate owner
Starting Agent
By entering 130 as both the starting and ending owner numbers, the system processes for owner 130 only.  The system reads the owner master record for owner 130 to load the correct room number.
Ending Agent
By entering 130 as both the starting and ending owner numbers, the system processes for owner 130 only.  The system reads the owner master record for owner 130 to load the correct room number.
Enabled once the Review or Process buttons are clicked, this button allows interruption of those actions.  If interrupted, it is imperative that the review or processing be repeated and allowed to finish before printing statements.
Agent (Number/Name)
When the Review or Process buttons is clicked, this field displays the number and name of the travel agent currently being processed in read-only format.  This is for informational purposes only.
Process Commissions Through
If Always process travel agent statements on calendar month only (912-03) is checked in Agent Configuration, this field is disabled.  The system sets the date to the last day of the previous month. If Switch 912-03 is not checked, click the down-arrow to select any date available on the calendar
Reservation (Number/Name)
When the Review or Process buttons is clicked, these fields display the number and name for the reservation with a travel agent commission transaction currently being processed in read-only format.  This is for informational purposes only.
Room Number
When the Review or Process buttons is clicked, this field displays the room number for the reservation with a travel agent commission transaction currently being processed in read-only format.  This is for informational purposes only.
RDP strongly suggests that all agent commission information be reviewed BEFORE processing.  During review mode, commission transactions from reservations are read and calculated through the end processing date. The totals for these amounts are shown for each agent, each reservation, and each transaction that generates commission for an agent.  Transactions previously processed are skipped.

Review this report to ensure all agent commission codes are correct prior to processing.  Since the system allows reservation changes after check-out, it is possible to change the commission percentage due an agent prior to processing revenue.  For example, if an agent has a Commission Code = CA (where the agent receives 10%) and should have been assigned CB (where the agent receives 5%), change the rate using Change Agent Master and then process the agent commission.

Click the Review button to begin.  Agent information flashes in the Agent, Reservation, and Room# fields throughout the process.  Agents with no activity for the current review period are not displayed in the grid.   Only agents with activity/commissions due are displayed in the grid.  The system displays a message when the process is complete.  When running for a single agent, a notice is also displayed if the agent had no activity for the processed period.
RDP strongly suggests that all agent commission information be reviewed BEFORE processing.  The same calculations are made during the Review and Process modes, but a transaction is created for every reservation that generates agent commissions. When complete, the report generated is added to the Select a Previously Processed Report to View drop-down.
After commissions are processed a B6DD code for the commissionable transactions on a reservation, several changes are made to indicate that the transactions have been processed. This provides an audit trail and prevents processing the same transaction again.  Those changes are:

  1. The Agent key is removed from the transaction.
  2. This key drives the Process Agent Commission program. A "Y" (for processed=yes) is placed next to the agent commission code on the transaction.
  3. The sequence numbers of the B6DD are stamped on the reservation transactions.
Print Report
After both the review and process modes are complete, the system prompts to print the resulting report. RDP recommends that the report be printed before and after full processing has completed.  Reviewing and printing prior to processing provides an audit trail showing that each commission transaction was indeed paid to an agent.  No transactions are generated by the report, and it can be used as often as required during the month.

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