System - GDS Room Types Configuration

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GDS Expedia
 Interface Topics




Configuration Tabs for GDS Provider Partners

Expedia Configuration Tab




GDS Room Types

GDS Rate Plans

Exchange Rate

2-way Interface Website Information

Expedia 2-Way

SynXis 2-Way

InnTopia 2-Way

InnLink 2-Way

GDS Room Types

Before the GDS Room Types can be set up, a group master must be created for the GDS provider.

  1. Enter the Group# and Name.
  2. Check the Use Group Block and the GDS Group checkboxes
  3. Select the During Rate Plan and Pay Codes
  4. Save the group master.  All other information for the group is optional.
Pay Code
Select the appropriate pay code for the group.  When the GDS provider collects payment for the reservation online, then set the Pay Code to RT for room and tax to bill the charges of the room and associated taxes to the group master (the GDS provider).  When payment is collected directly from the guest at property, set the pay code to IP for Individual Pays to bill all the room charges to the guest.
During Rate Plan
Select the rate plan to be associated with any reservation linked to this GDS provider's reservation for the dates within the reservation "during" their stay.  It may be helpful or necessary to create a special Rate Plan specifically for the GDS reservations.

The GDS Room Types tab enables the set-up of conversion information between what a room type is called by the GDS provider and what it is called in RDP.  The GST to RDP Room Type conversions are stored in the GDSRMTY.DAT file.

To create a new conversion, click the Add button to access the Add GDS Room Type Conversion form.  Enter the GDS Room Type name as it is configured by the GDS provider, and then select the corresponding RDP group and room type.
Select a row and click the Delete button to remove a GDS Room Type from the list.  This option is also available from the right-click menu when a row is selected.  Confirmation is required before the deletion is finalized.

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