IRM.Net - Configure Promotional Codes

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Promotional Codes

Configuration Steps for Using Promotional Codes

Promotional Codes Not in Use Promotional Codes In Use
  1. Enable promotional code use.

    1. Using RDPWin, access the IRM.Net menu -->  Configuration --> Promotional Codes tab.
    2. Check the Use Promotional Codes on the IRM checkbox.
    3. Configure any codes to be used by clicking the Add Promotional Code button.  A sample is shown below.
    4. Save & Close when complete.
  2. Configure the label for the promotional code textbox which is visible within the IRM.Net search criteria panel.
    1. Access the User Text file located in \IRMNet\Custom\...\UserText\PromoCodeLabel.htm.  The actual path depends on individual property's set-up.
    2. Using an HTML editor like Expression Web or Notepad, update the label to read as desired.  The example below shows a Fuel Discount is available.
    3. Based on the settings configured in Steps A and B, guests can access the promotional code by entering "123456" in the "Fuel Discount" text box before clicking the "Search for Availability" button.

Disable Promotional Code

When a code is no longer available but may be needed later, disable the code temporarily:
  1. Using RDPWin, access the IRM.Net --> Configuration --> Promotional Codes tab.
  2. Select the code to be disabled and check the appropriate box.
  3. Save & Close.

Delete Promotional Code

When a code is no longer needed:
  1. Using RDPWin, access the IRM.Net -->  Configuration --> Promotional Codes tab.
  2. Select the code to be deleted, right-click and select "Delete Selected Row". 
  3. Confirmation is required before deletion is complete.
  4. Save & Close.


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