IRM.Net - Configuration

IRM.Net Topics

Alternate Data Servers


Install Version 3 on 2003 Server

Install Version 3 on 2008 Server

Troubleshooting IRM.Net

Customize IRM.Net HTML

Customize IRM.Net w/Themes

Customize Text, Room Descriptions, etc.

Pass Search Criteria from Mktg. Website

Promotional Codes


IRM.Net Configuration Tabs

Appearance Tab

Block Dates Tab

Calendar Tab

Comment Fields Tab

Deposits Tab

Groups/Agents Tab

Miscellaneous Tab

Owners Tab (Module R3 Required)

Preferences Tab

Promotional Codes Tab

Reservation Priority (Module R6 Required)

Reservations Tab

Steps To Configure

Virtual Store Tab (Module S1 Required)

Configuration Steps

  1. System Administrators should review the IRM.Net installation notes (2003 Server or 2008 Server).
  2. Confirm these three switches for IRM.Net on the Owners tab are set correctly for the customer: Use IRM.Net for Owner screens, Allow "OLD" owners access to IRM.Net screens, and Allow owner payments.
  3. In RDPWin, set owner Default Statement Report.  Navigate to the Owners | Configuration page in RDPWin and make sure the default statement report has the UNC in it and NOT the drive letter. The statement does not print when the drive letter is in the name of the default report.
  4. On the Misc tab, the two e-mail confirmation switches should be set to determine whether or not confirmations should be sent through RDPWin Monitor. If so, confirm the RDPWin Monitor is configured correctly to send owner and "guest of owner" confirmations from the IRM.  If not (which is the default setting), go to the Confirmations tab and configure the confirmations to be sent.  There are two tabs within the Confirmations tab that require attention. It is very important that the name of the report and any attachments have the UNC and not the drive letter. New Crystal reports may be required for the confirmations.
  5. Using the IRM.Net | Configuration | Confirmation tab in RDPWin, enter all the necessary information in order to e-mail, preview, and print confirmations in IRM.Net. The customer can have a separate confirmation for IRM reservations versus RDPWin reservations, and separate confirmations for owners versus "guest of owners".  When a confirmation report is not specified, Reports10\Confirmations\NewRes.rpt is used.
  6. Review and confirm all other RDPWin IRM.Net configuration settings.
  7. The Number of months in the future to display paying guest reservations switch is different than the old IRM. In IRM.Net, a setting of "0" means NO future paying guest reservations will display.  In the old IRM, a setting of "0" meant ALL future paying guest reservations would display. Confirm this switch is set accordingly.
  8. Copy the files from inetpub\wwwroot\IRM\UserText\BlockReasons to inetpub\wwwroot\IRMNet\UserText\BlockReasons.
  9. Add any newsletters or documents the property wants to allow owners to view into the inetpub\wwwroot\IRMNet\UserText\OwnerNewsletters folder.

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