Alternate Merchant Identification (MID)/ Alternate Credit Card Processor

There are various configuration options that will trigger the credit card transaction to be processed through the alternate MID instead of the standard MID.

RDP can accommodate

The options listed below are mutually exclusive, being only one option can be set to Yes at the same time.

NOTE: IRM only uses Ecomm MID (it will not use the alternate MID)

Mobile check-in only uses Ecomm MID (it will not use the alternate MID).

Enter the Alternate MID number into RDP based on the Gateway installed.

  • Shift4: System | Configuration | Shift4 | update Alternate Merchant field

  • Tenerum: System | Configuration | Tenerum | update Alternate Customer ID field

Option 1. MID is determined by Arrival Date in relation to RDP Date

If the Alternate MID field is populated AND

  • Payment taken on a future res AND

    • Arrival Date is greater than RDP Date THEN the Alternate MID is used

  • If the Arrival Date = RDP Date then Standard MID is used

Option 2. MID is determined by Arrival Date in relation to RDP Date and the Reservation Status

If the Alternate MID field is populated AND

  • System | Switches | Switch 419-55 (Use Reservation Status on Arrival Date) is set to YES AND

    • Payment taken on a future res AND

    • Arrival Date is greater than RDP Date THEN the Alternate MID is used

  • If the Arrival Date = RDP Date AND Reservation Status = 1, 2 or 4 THEN Alternate MID is used

  • If the Arrival Date = RDP Date AND Reservation Status = 5, 6, 7 or 8 THEN Standard MID is used

Option 3. MID is determined by User Logon

  • System | Switches | Switch 421-50 (Use alternate credit card processor based on RDP User) is set to YES

  • System | Manage Users | Select User | Change

    • If Use Alternate Credit Card Processor is checked then the Alternate MID is used when a payment is taken under this user's login

  • If a user needs to process payments under the Standard MID, then a 2nd login is created for that user with the setting unchecked

  • Users need to be aware of which account they are logged in with when taking payments

Option 4. MID is determined by Property Codes

  • System | Switches | Switch 425-11 (Use alternate credit card processor based on property code) is set to YES AND

  • System | Table Maintenance | Table R2 - Property Code Validation

    • Display

    • If use Alternate CCard Processor is set to Y, then any payment taken on a reservation in a room type associated with this Property Code will use the Alternate MID

Option 5. MID is determined by Reservation Type

  • System | Switches | Switch 425-12 (Use Alternate credit card processor based on reservation type) is set to YES AND

  • System | Table Maintenance | Table DQ - Reservation Type Descriptions

    • Display

    • If use Alternate CCard Processor is set to Y, then any payment taken on a reservation with this res type will use the Alternate MID