Whole Owner Import

Whole owner, meaning the owner owns 100% of the unit, records can be imported into the RDP system and may need approval from your sales contact. Owners are imported “as is” provided by the client in an excel file with the extension of xls or xlsx without modification. Include only current owners. A beginning balance for the owner account can be posted as one transaction. Enter the owner beginning balance into the balance due field and also discuss with your implementer the transaction code and GL account to be used.

Click here to Download Excel Template for Importing

The excel file will be used to import owners into the RDP system. Provide all owners in one import file. Subsequent owner imports are not supported to maintain data integrity.

Support Only:

  • If system hasn’t imported e-mail into CNTEMAIL then import into CNTEMAIL

    • Add column of ID with formula of = row() , may need to add to row if there are pre-existing values such as =row()+100

    • Add Column of Contact Number and use formula: =RIGHT(CONCATENATE(" ", trim(G2) ),8), updating G2 to column of number)

    • Add column of “Email” that Replicates “EmailAddress”

    • Add Column of “Type” and set it to “1”

    • Add Column of “Primary” Email and set to “Y”

    • Add Column of “ContactMasterFile” and set to “GU”

  • Default Fields

    • OpenItemBalForward = Y

Column Header: MasterType

Description: MasterType is the owner type. For whole owners this usually the same as the room type owned by the owner. For additional owner types such as fractional, timeshare or points this can be used to label the status such as current, del for delinquent, col for collections.

Maximum Length: 6

Values: Characters, letters and special characters excluding (‘ single quote,” double quote,* asterisk).

Column Header: Number

Description: Owner Number. Used to look up owners in RDPWin, make owner reservations, owners to login to online portal and displays on reports such as owner statements. This field has to be unique for whole owners for each unit owned. For factional and quartershare multiple contracts can be setup under one owner account. When an owner sells a new number needs to be generated to keep the owner history separate.

Maximum Length: 8

Values: Characters, letters and special characters excluding (‘ single quote,” double quote,* asterisk, / forward slash, \backwards slash, : colon, [] square brackets).

Column Header: AlternateOwnerNumber

Description: A second owner number that is optional. Multiple owners can have the same alternate owner number.

Maximum Length: 14 Characters

Values: Alphanumeric and special characters.

Column Header: RoomNum

Description: Whole Owner Room number, for Fractional or Timeshare this field is left blank. This must much the room number on the units/rooms import.

Maximum Length: 6 for rate specific to room # otherwise 8.

Values: Has to Match Unit Import.

Column Header: Name

Description: Owner Name.

Maximum Length: 70 characters

Values: Format to be LastName/FirstName.

For Example:

  • Jones/Davey

  • Cleaver/Ward

  • Joel/Billy

  • Short/Martin

  • Remodel/

Column Header: SpouseName

Description: The default name for this field is spouse name but this label can be changed. Common changes include “Second Name” or “Company”.

Maximum Length: 70

Values: Alphanumeric and special characters. Example formatting “Mickey Mouse”.

Column Header: Address1

Description: Street or PO Box

Maximum Length: 50 characters

Values: Numbers, Letters, Special Characters

Column Header: Address2

Description: Apartment or additional address information

Maximum Length: 50 characters

Values: Numbers, Letters, Special Characters

Column Header: City

Description: City

Maximum Length: 50 characters

Values: Numbers, Letters, Special Characters

Column Header: State

Description: State or Providence

Maximum Length: 2 Characters

Values: Abbreviation of State or Providence

For Example:

  • AB = Alberta

  • CO = Colorado

Column Header: Zipcode

Description: Zipcode or Postal Code

Maximum Length: 10 Characters

Values: Numbers, Letters, Special Characters

Column Header: Country

Description: Country.

Maximum Length: 30

Column Header: Phone1

Description: Phone1, can be relabeled in UI. System – Configurations – Custom Labels.

Maximum Length: 20 Characters

Values: Numbers, Letters, Special Characters

Column Header: Phone2

Description: Phone2, can be relabeled in UI. System – Configurations – Custom Labels.

Maximum Length: 20 Characters

Values: Numbers, Letters, Special Characters

Column Header: EmailAddress

Description: Email Address. E-mail will be marked as primary point of contact. Additional e-mails can be added if they fit and need to be separated by a semi-colon (;). If the reservation type is an O (Owner) then the e-mail address on the owner record will be used instead of the e-mail address on the reservation.

Maximum Length: 100 Characters

Values: Numbers, Letters, Special Characters

Column Header: SuppressMassEmail

Description: If set to Y for yes then the guest will not receive mass e-mails.

Maximum Length: 1

Values: Y for yes otherwise blank

Column Header: NoEmailStatement

Description: If set to Y the owner won’t have a statement e-mailed.

Maximum Length: 1

Values: Y, N or blank

Column Header: NoPrintStatement

Description: If set to Y the owner statement won’t print.

Maximum Length: 1

Values: Y, N or blank

Column Header: PropertyCode

Description: Optional. Should match the property code of the unit for whole ownership. If fractional or timeshare this should match the directory number of the billing directory.

Maximum Length: 2

Values: Letters and numbers

Column Header: BalanceDue

Description: Balance of owner. Can be posted to the owner as a beginning balance.

Maximum Length: Less than 1 million.

Column Header: TrustAmount

Description: Balance to be held on owner account, this won’t get paid out to the owner.

Maximum Length: Less than 1 million.

Column Header: EnteredBy

Description: User login of person who made the reservation. Optional.

Maximum Length: 6 characters

Values: Characters, letters and special characters excluding (‘ single quote,” double quote,* asterisk).

Column Header: EntryDate

Description: Entry date of reservation. Optional.

Values: MM/DD/YYYY

Column Header: MultiOwnerLink

Description: Connects two owner accounts for online login. Set one of the owner numbers as the first owner number and then point connecting accounts to the first owner number.

Maximum Length: 8

Values: Characters, letters and special characters excluding (‘ single quote,” double quote,* asterisk, / forward slash, \backwards slash, : colon, [] square brackets).

Column Header: PrimaryOwnerNum

Description: Connects owner accounts in RDPWin as secondary owners. Primary owner record can be looked-up through the secondary owner. If PrimaryOwnerNum is populated, then the mastertype field has to be set to “Z” for secondary owner.

Maximum Length: 8

Values: Characters, letters and special characters excluding (‘ single quote,” double quote,* asterisk, / forward slash, \backwards slash, : colon, [] square brackets).

Column Header: RecurringCharge1

Description: This field is set to a dollar amount. A label can be set on the recurring charge. The recurring charge can be posted on demand, typically monthly for trash, water, and electric.

Maximum Length: Less than 1 million.

Values: Currency

Column Header: RecurringCharge2

Description: Same as recurring charge 1.

Column Header: RecurringCharge3

Description: Same as recurring charge 1.

Column Header: RecurringCharge4

Description: Same as recurring charge 1.

Column Header: RecurringCharge5

Description: Same as recurring charge 1.

Column Header: RecurringCharge6

Description: Same as recurring charge 1.

Column Header: RecurringCharge7

Description: Same as recurring charge 1.

Column Header: RecurringCharge8

Description: Same as recurring charge 1.

Column Header: RecurringCharge9

Description: Same as recurring charge 1.

Column Header: PurchaseDate

Description: Optional. Date which the owner has purchased

Values: MM/DD/YYYY

Column Header: ContractStartDate

Description: Optional. Date which owner contract starts.

Values: MM/DD/YYYY

Column Header: ContractEndDate

Description: Optional. Date which contract ends.

Values: MM/DD/YYYY

Column Header: TaxPayerID

Description: Tax payer ID of owner. Displayed on 1099s.

Maximum Length: 19

Values: Numbers and dashes

Column Header: GenerateCheck

Description: Y for Yes means the owners are generated a check voucher when finalizing the owner statement.

Maximum Length: 1

Values: Y for yes.

Column Header: Note

Description: Free form note to provide details of reservation.

Maximum Length: Blob

Values: Any

Column Header: Comment1

Description: Fixed length comment, label can be set under System – Comment Labels – Owner. Viewable on the owner and on reports.

Maximum Length: 40

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment2

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 40

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment3

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 36

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment4

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment5

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment6

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment7

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment8

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment9

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment10

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 10

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment11

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 10

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment12

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 5

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment13

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment14

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment15

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment16

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment17

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.

Column Header: Comment18

Description: See comment 1 description.

Maximum Length: 20

Values: Alpha-Numeric and special characters.