Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Navigation Page

(Customer Relationship Management (RX) module required.)


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is only available if the Customer Relationship Management (RX) module is installed.  The CRM allows users to add, lookup, and modify frequent guest data.  Under Configuration, users can populate frequent guest data from existing guest history and configure point redemption and award rules, frequent guest membership levels, and contact types.

Overview - Marketing
Click the menu link to access the RDP website and view the marketing information available for RDPWin's Customer Relationship Management Module.
Overview - Technical
Click the menu link to access RDPWin's CRM information available in Help.

Save & Close, Save, Reset, Clear Fields, and Close

It is not necessary to save changes before switching tabs, unless changes are made. The Save & Close button saves the changes and closes the form.  The Save button files changes and keeps the form open.  Reset restores the settings to those most recently saved and abandons any unsaved changes.  To clear all selections and begin again, click the Clear Fields button.  Close prompts before exiting without saving changed settings (if any were made) and closes the form.



Click these links for Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting assistance.
