CRM - Analysis

(Customer Relationship Management (RX) module required.)


Select the List option for a list of CRM records.  The CRM List displays the entire CRM database, including history. Some detail in the grid and tabs are available for reviewing additional information.

Analyze CRM Data

Analyze all guests in the database.  The records are displayed in a grid with all the grid capabilities.  When a CRM record is selected in the grid, any actions selected from Navigation or Options are performed on that record only.  Columns displayed offer great detail on each record.  Additional information can be viewed using the tabs below the grid.

Select which property's data to analyze by clicking on the Property drop-down.  All is selected by default. 
Display Button
Select the Display button to present the CRM data in the display area. 
CRM History
When unchecked, Analysis considers only the current members in the database.  When the CRM History box is checked, the system searches those guests who have been removed.  See Remove Guest for more information.
When a row is selected within the CRM Analysis grid, the read-only details for that master are displayed below on the tabs.  When firsts entering CRM Analysis, no row is selected; therefore, no detail is displayed in the tabs.  Tabs available are Details, Points, Reservations, Contacts, Phone, E-mail, Airlines, Guest History, Room Preferences, Comments, Notes, and Custom Fields.

Double-Click Option

Double-click any row in the grid to open the Frequent Guest Information form which allows for review and change including awarding and redeeming points.

Right-Click Menu

See Grid Right-Click Options.  The Delete Selected Row function is not available in the right-click menu.  To delete a guest from the CRM database, use Remove Guest in the Options menu.


Click these links for Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting assistance.
