Accounting - Configuration

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Add/Change Management Master

Earn Revenue and Pay the Management

Pay Taxes

Reconcile Bank Accounts

Trust Deposits

Trust Transfers

Trust Summary

Work Order Billing Cycle and Trust Accounting


Select Configuration from the Accounting Navigation screen or the Accounting main menu, or Accounting from the the System | Configuration submenu to set configuration based on property preferences.  Any settings directly connected to a system switch number display the number in the label. 

Use 20-Character G/L Account Number (Switch 421-04)
Check "Use 20-Character G/L Account Number" (Switch 421-04) to display the External Account field on the Change G/L Accounts screen and the Add G/L Account screen.
Deposit Voucher Report
Click the Browse button to locate which report to use when printing the deposit vouchers.  RDPWin offers a standard report DepositVoucher.rpt located in the Accounting folder.  Once assigned, access the Accounting | Trust Accounting | Trust Deposits screen.  Once transactions are selected and click Save or "Save & Close" is clicked, the system prompts whether or not to print a deposit voucher.  When Yes, the system prompts with printer options and then prints. 



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Last Updated 06/25/2010

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