Accounting - G/L Accounts - Adjust Beginning Balances

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Select "Adjust Beginning Balances" from the G/L Accounts submenu of the Accounting main menu to enter or adjust the beginning balances of G/L accounts.  Use when the RDPWin system is first installed or when the beginning balances are incorrectly transferred from the prior year during year-end procedures.  Once a G/L Account Number is selected, the Description and Current Balance fields display current information for that account number.  The "New Balance" field displays the same as the Current Balance; however, if this balance is not correct, change the value and click Save or "Save & Close".

Account Number
Using the drop-down, select the existing account number to be adjusted.  Account numbers can be added selecting Add from the Accounting | G/L Accounts menu.
View the description assigned to the account selected in read-only format.  This description can only be changed by selecting Change from the Accounting | G/L Accounts menu.
Current Balance
The actual balance of the selected account number is displayed in read-only format.  This balance is changed once the new balance is adjusted and saved.
New Balance
The current balance is displayed initially.  To make the adjustment, enter the corrected amount and save.


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